Go Sketch Art Activities and Birthday Parties for Children Orig

Birthday Parties

We have been running art birthday parties in Bristol and beyond for over 5 years now and we love it!

From painting parties with mini easels to zendoodle art to Manga cartoons, we can offer a fun activity for your arty child! We can even tailor it to your child's interests. 

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Hello Artists!

GO SKETCH help children boost their confidence and self esteem through art.

Our enjoyable holiday art workshops, art birthday parties and after school art courses in Bristol as well as online art courses offer children the chance to develop their drawing, painting and sculpture skills in an encouraging, non-judgemental environment.

We can even come to your school or community group

Art workshops for children in Bristol


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My 6-year-old and her friends had a great time at their painting party. Emma was generous with her time and we liked how she divided the session into small, manageable tasks to keep everyone’s attention. She was also super efficient at setting up and tidying up. Would definitely recommend for anyone who’s looking for an arty party.
Cathy Kerfoot

We all love the vibe of the GO SKETCH CLUB videos! They are engaging - children respond well to format, encouraging comments and positive energy that makes us want to have a go.

Emmanuelle Kirby

Exciting and relaxed learning environment. Drawing without being judged.

Claire Gordon

Want to do more art at home? Check out our GO SKETCH CLUB!

50% off Cartoon Studio!

Use code 'artytime50' to get our £24 cartoon course for only £12! Great Christmas gift idea... Sign up to join the fun!

Snowy Art

Love snow? Let's create a snowy piece of art!

Free Advent City

Create your own Advent Calendar City for free! Try out some fun, creative online courses at gosketchclub.com

Some Arty Ramblings in our Blog…


Well Christmas is just around the corner and if you have an arty child I have some suggestions for arty Christmas gifts that they will love!
How about a gift voucher for one of our pre-recorded art courses that you can

As a young child many of us would have easily picked up a crayon and started drawing with a sense of freedom and exploration. I remember vividly that feeling of excitement when I opened my sketchbook on a long train

Hi Everyone!

People often ask me how can I help my child to develop their drawing skills and my answer is always the same...

Get a Sketchbook
Draw in it all the time!

Don't have a sketchbook? Don't worry we are here

Hi arty peeps!

We have been offering art birthday parties for kids and teens for many years now and we love it! In this current climate we were unsure how we could possibly move our art birthday parties for kids online.

Hi fellow artists and homeschooling parents!

Many parents are having to homeschool their children at the moment which means trying to cover all subjects while often trying to work from home themselves. For many this is simply not possible. Many will

Hi artists!

So it has finally happened... Go Sketch Club is officially on youtube! We will be posting a fun drawing challenge every Friday in a series called 'Fun Sketch Friday'.

To view our first video please click this link and subscribe to


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