Birthday Quote Form

Name of parent/carer

Contact email address

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Contact phone number

Name of Birthday child / adult

Age of child / adult on birthday

Address of party

Number of children / participants

Length of workshop

Preferred Date

Preferred start and end time of whole party (for invitations) e.g. 2pm-5pm

Preferred start and end time of GO SKETCH activity e.g. 2:15pm-3:15pm

Choice of activity

If you would like a tailor-made party please enter details here:

Would you like to add a party gift for each attendee?

Would you like us to email you invitations to print for free?

Yes pleaseNo thanks

If you answered 'Yes' above, please tell us your preferred RSVP details for invitations

Where did you hear about GO SKETCH?

If you searched online for GO SKETCH (with Google etc), could you tell us the phrase you used to find us?

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